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Here's an opportunity to do something that will impact Our Community, making it Safer & Stronger!
Help me make a difference.
There are many ways to volunteer, from talking with your friends and family to, walking door to door or making a donation.
Let us know how you can help:
Place a Sign in your yard

If you are able to place a sign in your yard or property please let me know.  We will begin placing signs after the first of the year.  We have small yard signs, 4x4, and 4x8 signs.  Or if you know of a friend that has a good location please ask and share that with me.


I need your support to help in this fight!  My success will require financial support to assure success.  I trust that you recognize each contribution is an investment in the safety and security of our families and businesses.  I am honored by each donation and greatly appreciate your support! 

To Find Out More,  Please Fill The Form Below:

Thanks for submitting!

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