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Time for Change - Time for Safer / Stronger Communities

I was finally able to obtain the drug and overdose numbers for 2010 so that I could show the drastic increase in drug and overdose calls and the need to re-instate the local drug task force.

Since 2010, the number of overdose calls within the county have risen 666.67% (48 in 2010 and 368 in 2019) and the number of drug calls have increased 94.32% (229 in 2010 and 445 in 2019). These numbers only show the total through October 30th.

The number of overdose fatalities has increased by 96%. In 2011 there were 25 overdose fatalities and in 2018 there were 49 fatalities, which is approximately 33 more deaths above the Ohio average. The 2019 numbers are not in.

I am the only candidate with ACTUAL experience in working with a drug task force as well as many years’ experience in the response to crime.

It is time for change and time for Safer / Stronger Communities!

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